Our story
We were pleased to provide the organizations with checks for $835 each in 2021 & $1,030.00 in 2022 & $1025.00 in 2023, and in total generating nearly $240,000.00
Dad was a very giving person to everyone. He always placed others in front of himself. What better way to honor him, than to provide help to as many Charitable Organizations as possible with this year’s tournament proceeds.
We are hoping you will consider helping us this year. You can help in a variety of ways:
Hole sponsorship ($800 or $1350 with a foursome, $1,850 with two foursomes), Putting Contest Sponsor ($1,000), Harry’s Water (Keg) Hole ($750) Happy Hour, Drink Cart, Drinking around the Course Sponsors ($2,000 each) and the “Moore Rum Please” Drink Sponsor ($1000) OR play golf with us in the tournament ($725/foursome or $200/player & $1350 for two foursomes), and Donations of all sizes for our Silent Auction, Mulligan Raffle or our Prize Hole gifts. We even need items to fill our Golf Goodie Bags (small SWAG stuff – would need 135).
Your 100% tax-deductible donation will help us have a successful event and serve a large number of recommended deserving non-profit organizations.
We have a website just for the tournament www.harrymoregolf.com. We are offering a page on that website that will have all Hole and Tournament Sponsors’ logos listed and a link to their websites. We would like to link your logo and website to our website by just sponsoring a Hole for our tournament this year.
Please let us know if you are interested in being a sponsor for these. Drink Cart Sponsors will have a ticket (with your name and logo) per company sponsoring given to each golfer. Happy Hour and Drink Cart Sponsors will have their logos posted on a banner after the golf is completed.
Thank you in advance for your help. To donate, please contact:
Dawn and Michael Frank at 602-818-4247 or 480-202-7890 or www.harrymooregolf.com
Please send any donated items to: 6446-12 East Trailridge Circle * Mesa, AZ 85215
We sincerely appreciate all the help!
Harry had a passion for helping others. Whether it was cleaning, painting, or helping with landscape maintenance; whatever was needed, Harry was there to help. His giving spirit is what drives this tournament and its new destination for “Sharing the Love”!
The Harry Moore Memorial Golf & Harry Moore Memorial Foundation is a charitable organization 501(c)(3) #86-2657654.
Meet The Team
Golf Committee
Michael Frank
Jessica Mugleston
Dawn Frank
Christine Jakupovic
Ruben Vital